Saturday, March 1, 2014

Runtime-typed Generic Collection Extensions

Another post inspired by a Stack Overflow question (see my answer).

The specific situation encountered by the asker of the question was prompted by a situation in which the asker knew the specific type that was being returned, but only at runtime. The asker wanted to be able to invoke a method delegate that accepted a IEnumerable<Foo> or IEnumerable<Bar> that was, presumably, passed as an argument along with the type, Foo or Bar, to a framework method that is unaware of the specific type at compile type. The problem is that when the ToList() method is used, it was returning List<object> instead of List<Foo> or List<Bar> as required as required by the delegate that the asker was attempting to invoke. This resulted in an ArgumentException for the delegate's Invoke method as the underlying type was not convertible.

While I suspect that there is probably a better way to create the framework there wasn’t enough information in the question for me to comment on that. Instead I decided to try and construct some extension methods that would produce a collection of the specific type that could be used by the delegate using ideas from the accepted answer and an answer on a similar question by the indubitable Jon Skeet.

To provide a test case for the solution I mocked up some classes similar to those in the question. First, there is a Dog, which knows how to Bark(), and a Bird, which knows how to Sing().
public class Dog
    private readonly int _id;

    public Dog(int id)
        _id = id;

    public string Bark()
        return string.Format("Woof...{0}", _id);

public class Bird
    private readonly int _id;

    public Bird(int id)
        _id = id;

    public string Sing()
        return string.Format("Squawk...{0}", _id);
Then we have a Framework class that does a query that returns a collection of IEntry objects, each being an Entry object with a Data property that is either a Dog or a Bird.
public class Framework
    public IEnumerable<IEntry> QueryOfAllType(Type type)
        var range = Enumerable.Range(0, 10);

        if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Bird)))
            return range.Select(i => new Entry
                            Data = new Bird(i)

        return range.Select(i => new Entry
                        Data = new Dog(i)

public interface IEntry
    object Data { get; }

public class Entry : IEntry
    public object Data { get; set; }
Lastly, we have our program which will query the Framework for IEntry objects of the proper type, select the Data property, and use the new extensions to convert the collection to a collection of the proper type to be used by a delegate to perform the appropriate action for that object. Note: the code below has been updated from the previous version to more accurately replicate the original problem - that is, that the type information can't be inferred from the delegate or the invoking method.
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        DoThatThing(typeof(Bird) , Vocalize);
        DoThatThing(typeof(Dog), Vocalize);

    private static void DoThatThing(Type type, Action<IEnumerable> thingToDo)
        var framework = new Framework();

        var result = framework.QueryOfAllType(type)
                              .Select(e => e.Data)

        thingToDo.DynamicInvoke(new [] { result });


    private static void Vocalize(IEnumerable animals)
        foreach (var animal in animals)
            if (animal is Dog)
            else if (animal is Bird)
Below is my solution, using reflection to cast the returned collection to the appropriate type and convert the IEnumerable to a list, retaining the behavior that the actual collection rather than an iterator is produced.
public static class EnumerableExtensions
    private static readonly Type _enumerableType = typeof(Enumerable);

    public static IEnumerable CastAsType(this IEnumerable source, Type targetType)
        if (source == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("source");

        var castMethod = _enumerableType.GetMethod("Cast").MakeGenericMethod(targetType);

        return (IEnumerable)castMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { source });

    public static IList ToListOfType(this IEnumerable source, Type targetType)
        var enumerable = CastAsType(source, targetType);

        var listMethod = _enumerableType.GetMethod("ToList").MakeGenericMethod(targetType);

            return (IList)listMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { enumerable });
        catch (TargetInvocationException e)
            return null; // to satisfy the compiler, never reached
This is what I do for fun on Saturdays. The extension code and tests are available on GitHub.